Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mother's Day weekend

We had everyone over at our house on Saturday so we wouldn't have to share Mother's Day on Sunday.

My two goofy younger sisters!

Uncle Chris practicing bad mitten with Riley.
He got pretty good and hit it a bunch.
My two buddies!

Is that not the most attractive picture you have ever seen. Ladies back off... he's mine :)
Abby, Kadie and Riley, good buddies.Bring on the family competition with bad mitten.
Here is Meghan's action shot.. pro!
Look at Jake's form.. amazing!
Here is the real money maker.
Mom's action shot.

Good thing Nikki shaved.


Brad and Marci said...

FINALLY! That is awesome that you had the celebration at your house. Maybe next time I need to throw a party I will have it at your house and take all of the credit for how great your house is!

Ashley said...

How fun!! Thank you so much for coming over the other day.. You are a doll. I am excited to see more of you this summer!

Anonymous said...

We love you guys to pieces...we are so blessed and lucky to be friends and neighbors! Abby and Riley are so adorable!!

Nikki said...

Oh my goodness, no family is cooler then our family. We rock! :)

Finding Joy in the Moments said...

What great action shots. Loved them!!!! You have a great family. We just adore the Sheriffs. How lucky we are to view your family fun.