Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Family Time

Enjoying a day out in the warm weather!

Pull ups on the head worn as a hat is a daily thing.

Ken had bought these Binky's when Riley was a newborn. We never used them so when i was cleaning the basement, they found them in a bin and ran up to my room so they could see themselves in the mirror.
Buddies Jack and Riley dressing up as super heroes.
Apparently this is more comfy than the normal way of sleeping.
My super hero!


Finding Joy in the Moments said...

Wow you have had a lot of fun adventures. I love the zoog. It is good to see another blog from your family. You have beautiful children and you all look very happy. I hope apearances represent your happiness. lol Mary

Christina said...

k- I think those are the funniest binkies I have ever seen! Hilarious!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh these pictures are all so so cute! I lov eyour abby and riley. I am so lucky to live right next to you! Easter outfits were so cute and I LOVE abby's hair curled! Yummy kids!!