Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Updated Photos

The kids wanted picture time. They love to get them taken and look at the screen to see themselves.

Oh, picture time is officially over!!!!!!!!!!!

Ken and I went to Dallas for a buying market, we spend all day buying lighting and decorations for the store. Yes it is the funnest 3 days you could possibly imagine. We stayed in a 2 story $1200 a night suite (not payed for by us). We had a blast but were so excited to get home and see the kids. It was the first time we have ever left them and yes i cried the whole way to the airport.

Should we buy that? Probably not!
Aunt Meghan stayed the night with them and dropped them off during the day. Thank you again you guys.

This is how we usually look by the end of the day. Riley has taken his clothes off 10 times and Abs has pulled her hair out. Fabulous!


Melissa said...

Way cute! Sounds like you survived! Did you buy anything for you?

Michelle said...

The place you stayed in looks way nice! I'm glad you survived being away from your kids! They are so cute! Riley cracks me up!

The Thompson's said...

Okay I'm glad to see Riley in a flowery shirt...Annabelle painted Nathaniel's nails pink the other day. I forgot about it and yes, they are still pink. Maybe I ought to pull out the polish remover before playgroup tomorrow...

Ashley said...

How fun! So we are going to be neighbors soon!!! YAY!

Christina said...

Ah man!! i Wish Ken would have picked that up for me! It would have complemented my decor perfectly!!!!

Brad and Marci said...

Cute kids! Your couch makes for a great photo background I thought it was at a studio. I couldn't imagine staying in something that costs more per night than my WHOLE months rent!

melissa said...

Jess your kids are adorable. I'm glad you were able to enjoy a break away from your kids. The first time away is always a little rough.

Emmy said...

I'm sorry I missed the get together. Can we plan another one within the next two weeks? I haven't been to SLC in a bit, so I'm ready for a trip down.

Anonymous said...

I love abby's piggies and love riley's longer locks. So cute! Your a wonderful mommy and I really do look up to you!