I wanted to take pictures of the kids before church...
apparently they didn't want to cooperate.

We went to temple square to see the lights with my parents and sister Nikki. It was freezing cold and after 10 min. my kids were done.

Nikki and Jake's picture turned out blurry unfortunately.

I didn't want to post my birthday but we had such a fun party. This is a blurry pictures but i have to explain it. My Mom and sister were in kitchen laughing about my cake then Ken walked in and started laughing. So they started singing to me and at the end when they were suppose to say my name, they called me Jeff. I looked at the cake and it said Jeff. I laughed so hard i couldn't blow out the candles. When my mom went to the bakery, she said Jess and the lady behind the counter said with 2
f's? Of course my mom thought she said s and didn't check the cake before she left. Anyways my brother called my Jeff the rest of the night.

My parents wrapped a box of ornaments for my birthday present with money inside so i had to brake the bulbs to get all of it out.

We had our family Christmas party/birthday party at my parents house. It was so much fun my mouth hurt from laughing. We do a white elephant every year and my parents strategically received framed pictures of actors they have or had a crush on.
Happy Birthday Jeff! Oh I mean Jess! Ha ha, that's pretty funny! I'm glad you had a good birthday :)! Your family looks like they have so much fun together! I hope you and your little family have a very Merry Christmas!!
That is so funny!!!! It so sounds like something my Mom would do!! Happy birthday Jessssss. Hope it was a good one! And those pictures of your kids smiling and then crying had me cracking up! So so cute!
It is amazing how quickly kids' temperments can change! Too funny! Savannah saw your birthday cake and started singing Happy Birthday for you! I'm glad you had a great birthday! I love the idea of putting money in the ornaments. (I just hope the ornaments weren't part of the gift...too late!) :)
Those gifts are too funny! I love it! How creative!
Merry Christmas!
That is Hillarious JEFF!! Happy birthday again and have a wonderful Christmas doll!
Happy Birthday! Your pictures are adorable! I laughed out loud! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! Oh, I think its great our kids are friends and that Riley wanted to show Cambrie his sword!
I LOVE the church pictures, JEFF! The ornament/money present is awesome and I might copy that some time. Abby is getting so big and even though I have seen her more lately she looks different every time.
I randomly look up your blog to see the church pictures of your kiddies! They are so funny! Makes me laugh everytime!
Happy belated Birthday! It sounds like you had a great weekend with lots of laughs. That picture of your kids crying before church was pretty great.
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