Monday, November 24, 2008

Watch out it's Nacho!

This was a fun busy weekend for us. On Friday i went to go see Twilight of course with my mom and sisters while Ken went to Bond for the second time with the boys. It was so good, doesn't every girl want a little Edward in there life? (love you Ken!) On Saturday we went over to Ken's sisters house to watch that pathetic waste of time football game. Did BYU even try? On Sunday we went to my brother Chris's new baby girl Molly's blessing. She looked so cute in her homemade hand knit blessing dress. After we ran back home and went to Ken's sister Lisa's house for her baby Lainey's blessing. It was such a fun day.
This is what Riley was all weekend, Nacho Libre meets superman with a sword. He wears it the whole time at Kurtz house.

Riley and his cousin Mckenzie.
Abby and her cousins Charlie and Gracie.

I had to add these pictures of Abby getting into my makeup. She ate some and I'm guessing it didn't taste all that great.


Michelle said...

Lol! I love Riley's costume and the pictures of Abby with your make up all over her hands and mouth!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very eventful few days! I am with you on the Edward thing....ahh pitter patter. (love you steve) Ok and Abby getting into the cute! I love it that she is a girlie girl and Riley is all boy, what a ham!! Lova ya!

Brad and Marci said...

Back and forth huh? Not too much fun with kids but I bet it was worth it when you arrived (especially when Nacho arrived) Riley is awesome and Abby is getting SO big. I sure do hope that attending two baby blessing got you thinking?!?!?!? Let's get together soon.

Ashley said...

Hi doll,
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I need your address...

Emmy said...

I love the Nacho outfit :). Sounds like a busy but great day.