My niece Kadie, Riley and Abby Trick-or-treating

Last night was the first real time we've taken Riley and Abby Trick-or-treating. We weren't real sure about it because he cried the whole time Ken put his costume on then cried when he saw Abby's costume on. He wanted it off of her. I laughed but Ken was not amused, he'll grow out of it and I'm sure by next year he will be past that. He never actually said Trick-or treat but he wasn't shy about getting candy and after a few houses he loved it and ran from house to house. Abby was just there for the ride and looked so cute. She loved it. My parents and Sheriff's came over for dinner and we all went out together. It was so much fun. After we went back to our house and had dessert and watched a movie. Thanks everyone for coming over.
Too Cute!! What a fun night! Kids make it so much fun. Your costume and Ken's are prettty scary! :)
I love Riley's little golf outfit! How fun! Looks like you guys had a good time! :)
I would totally watch golf if Riley was playing! Man that little guy sure is cute! The little piggy is too and it's funny Riley didn't like her in the costume. Might I add you looked amazing trick or treating? You are seriously stunning!
Such cute kids! I love the golfer costume. I agree with Marci, you look so great.
We're moving back to Utah the week of Thanksgiving, and I'd love to get together sometime.
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