Monday, October 6, 2008

Horray for piggies

Yesterday was the first day for the piggies and it makes her look so big. I want her to stay little and snugly.

Last night she woke up right after i put her to bed because she had croop which is the most frustrating sickness. I had never heard of it until i married Ken. He use to get it a lot when her was little. Now our kids get it all the time. Anyways Ken and I get a good laugh out of her hair.

These two love to take baths and play so cute together.


Christina said...

Sooooo cute! I love the piggies!! I love the picture of the water running down Abby. Such a great shot. Great camera! I'll have to find out what kind! :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE those piggies!!!!

Nikki said...

That picture of Abby's crazy hair is so cute!!! She is so adorable! You can't look at her without smiling :)