Monday, August 25, 2008


Jared, Grace, Mandy, Nathaniel, Mom, Dad, Annabelle, Riley, Abby, Jess and Ken

Ken, the kids, my parents and I decided to take a road trip to Oklahoma and visit my sister and her family. My brother in law Jared is in the Air Force and they moved there in January. It was suppose to be a 16 hour drive. Because my pumpkin Abby started throwing up 5 hours into the drive it turned into a 20 hour drive. She couldn't keep anything down and threw up around 15 times throughout the drive. By the end I was covered in puke and smelled so bad I ran into Mandy's house and took a shower. The main purpose of the trip was to see my niece Annabelle baptized and Jared was finding out which plane he was training in next. (T-44) We were able to go into the same simulator the pilots use to train with. The girls did a lot of shopping, the guys played a lot of golf and the kids had a ball together. Thanks Thompson family, we had a blast. Now they're off to Corpus Christy Texas. Good luck!!!

This simulator was amazing and by far the most expensive video game we've ever played. It cost the taxpayers a couple million for all the equipment in the simulator. It has a 360 wrap around screen and is a T-6 with all the actual equipment that is in the real plane. It was an awesome experience.


Brad and Marci said...

In your profile it says that you traveled and played a lot before you had kids. Just so you know from my angle it looks like you are still living the single lives! Funny that you made Oklahoma look way fun. Maybe our families could do a trip together someday?

Anonymous said...

Your darling Jess...looks like fun! Ken even LOOKS like he was enjoying himself! Love ya!