Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Weekend

We started off the weekend by going to an aquarium with the kids. Ken had the day off so he was able to come.

That night we colored eggs with our neighbors. The guys humored us by participating and made it a lot of fun.
On Saturday I curled Abby's hair with sponge rollers for the first time. Put a child in front of the T.V., give them a cookie and you can do anything.
That afternoon we went over to my parents for an Easter hunt in the yard before it rained. They loved it.

After we went in and had a late lunch/early dinner, cleaned up and set up for coloring Easter eggs. It was so much fun for the kids.

After we opened a present from the grandparents and hung out for a while.
Nikki got a new puppy that kept scratching Abby so she wasn't into the dog.
The next morning the Easter bunny came and Riley noticed the carrots we set out for him were gone.

After church we went over to the Bubba and Lisa's for a hunt.

We had a fun, tiring, sugar weekend even though it revolved around the Master cup. O well.


Amber said...

Jess, your little Abby is so freakin cute and Riley is so handsome!! Looks like you guys had a fun Easter.
-Amber Ferlin Hill

Michelle said...

Looks like you guys have been way busy doing lots of fun stuff outside! I love Abby's curls and Easter dress, what a cutie! I love the picture or the nose waxing, lol. Looks like you had a fun trip to the "zoog" and to St. George. I'm a little jealous of all the fun stuff you've been doing lately. We've been sick and feeling crummy! I can't wait to get outside in the nice weather! :)

Brad and Marci said...

I have been out of the tech world and missed a ton of your stuff but it was definately worth the wait. I love your kids they are so cute and so funny. I loved catching up on your blog and it looks like you guys have been having a lot ot fun.

Christina said...

wow! Look at you! What a great idea of putting curlers in Abby's hair! I'll have to try it sometime with Savy!! I love all your pictures!!

The Mama said...

It is so fun to see pictures of my cousins on your blog. I wish I could see them more. Your Abby is so adorable. I always love the way you do her hair. What a cutie!